The programme focuses on raising community awareness on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies to enable the community to timely prepare, respond, adapt and mitigate the impact of hazards. This is achieved through:-
1. Radio programs
2. Information, Education and Communication Materials
3. Community mobilization meetings
In addition, it encompasses community education on disaster risk reduction interventions. Key interventions will include:
1. Understanding Disaster risk reduction. This involves conducting Vulnerability Risk Assessment (VRA) to identify priority hazards and social issues, causes and effects of hazards (pro-longed drought), hazard adaptation and mitigation strategies, establishment of community information centres.
2. Response preparedness. Understanding of the importance and benefits of timely preparedness and response to disasters, effective use of mobile phones for sharing of early warning information, importance of having the Contingency plan, Importance of having food storage facilities, establishment of evacuation teams
3. Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience. Use of adaptation and mitigation assessment forms to identify the existing hazard adaptation and mitigation strategies and the most effective disaster adaptation and mitigation strategies. Building resilience of communities on the existing disasters and supporting communities to practice the most effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. Examples of drought mitigation strategies will include: Tree planting, bee keeping, improved cooking stoves. Examples of disaster/drought adaptation strategies will include; planting drought tolerant crops (e.g. cassava and sweet potato), rain water harvesting, construction and use of community owned food storage facilities.
Furthermore, under climate adaptation strategies the organization in 2021 will have a priority focus on promoting cassava value chain. The cassava value chain will include: training smallholder farmers on improved practices in cassava production, harvesting, storage and processing. ELPP through EGGFE enterprise will buy dried cassava from smallholder farmers, process dried cassava and sell cassava flour for domestic uses and export purposes. Indicated below is the annual plan and summary of Key Activities:

Annual Plan and Summary of Key Activities for Year 2021
ELI Green Gold Farm Enterprise (EGGFE) has been registered in Tanzania. Its registration certificate number is: 489004 and its Tax Identification Number (TIN) is: 100-668-521. Its Business License Number is: B 3811806. The enterprise seeks to contribute to the achievement of SDG No1 & 2 through promoting improved household food and income security in Tanzania. The enterprise is affiliated to Empowerment Linkage for Poverty Palliation (ELPP) Tanzania. ELPP) is the organization that was registered in Tanzania on 15th January, 2018 in accordance with the Non-Governmental Organizations Act No. 24 of 2002. It is a NGO dedicated to empower the community to overcome household food and income insecurity in Tanzania. Its Registration Certificate Number is: 00NGO/0009454 and its Tax Identification Number (TIN) is: 135-628-481.
ELI Green Gold Farm Enterprise (EGGFE) Tanzania, P.O.BOX 748 Kahama, Shinyanga Region, Tanzania. Office Tel: +255-28-710041; Mobile: 0769-317 296; E-mail: Website:
A society where everyone is free of poverty and household food insecurity, enjoys and respects human rights, protects the environment, treated with dignity and has equal access to livelihood opportunities.
To help smallholder framers to achieve significant improvements in their lives through engaging in profitable food production, marketing and selling of food products for domestic use and export purposes.
5.1: Name of the venture: Cassava Production, Buying, Processing and Selling Cassava Flour for domestic use and export purposes.
5.2: Problem solved by the venture: The venture seeks to solve the problem of household food and income insecurity among smallholder farmers and the general community in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania. With our solution, we are serving smallholder farmers and the general community and we want to see a significant change in the community in terms of Improved Household Food and Income Security. The ideal long-term impact is to end hunger and poverty in Shinyanga Region specifically and Tanzania generally. In-addition, the venture seeks to ensure sustainable household food and income security since it provides customers with High-Quality Cassava Flour through timely collection and processing of dried cassava for domestic uses and export needs.
5.3: Impact Ambition: To improve livelihood of drought affected communities in Kahama District through smallholder farmer adoption of improved practices in cassava farming, business and marketing skills.
5.4: Impact Goal: Improved household food and income security of drought affected communities in Tanzania through farmer adoption of improved farming practices in cassava farming, company buying cassava from farmers, and processing cassava flour for domestic use and export purposes.
5.5: The objectives of the venture in year 2021
Objective 1: To strengthen the technical, business and marketing skills of smallholder cassava farmers to engage in profitable and sustainable cassava farming business.
1.1: Key Expected Results:
1. Key Result 1: Technical skills in improved cassava farming are better understood by smallholder cassava farmers. (Understanding Technical Skills)
2. Key Result 2: Business skills in improved cassava farming are better understood by smallholder cassava farmers. (Understanding Business skills)
3. “Key Result 3: Marketing skills in improved cassava farming are better understood by smallholder cassava farmers. (Understanding marketing skills).
1.2: Key Actions
1. Training smallholders’ cassava farmers in cassava farming technical skills.
2. Training smallholder’s cassava farmers in business and marketing skills.
Objective 2: To improve the business management and marketing skills of the company through conducting customer survey to confirm exiting customers and identify new customers and their needs.
2.1: Key Expected Results
1. Key Result 1: The business management and marketing skills are better understood by the company. (Understanding business management and marketing skills)
2. Key Result 2: Customer survey conducted to confirm exiting customers and identify new customers and their needs.
3. Key Result 3: The roster of old and new customers developed and their needs identified.
2.2: Key Actions
1. Training and mentoring company team in business management and marketing skills
2. Conduct customer survey to confirm exiting customers and identify new customers and their needs
3. Analyze customer survey data and produce the survey report indicating the list/ roster of old and new customers developed and their needs identified.
Objective 3: To improve sales through selling 18 metric tons of cassava flour per month (instead of 13.5 metric tons/month in year 2020).
3.1: Key Expected Results
1. Key Result 1: Increase in volume of cassava flour sold per month from 13.5 metric tons/month (2020) to18 metric tons of cassava flour per month (2021).
2. Key Result 2: Increase in volume of cassava flour processed and parked for sale per month.
3. Key Result 3: Increase in volume of dried cassava purchased from selected farmers and out growers per month.
3.2: Key Actions
1. The enterprise utilizes the available funds to increase the volume of cassava flour packed and sold per month.
EGGFE-Manufactured Cassava Flour Packed in 5 Kgs Bags
2. The enterprise utilizes the available fund to increase the volume of dried cassava purchased and processed for sale per month.
Dried cassava packed in Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bugs
3. Conducts customer survey to confirm the existing customers and identify new customers within and outside the country.
Aneth Min-Super Market-The Existing Customer
Beatha Shop-The Existing Customer
4. Write and submit innovative business plan and pitch deck to investors to access investment fund in cassava business.

Photo: Tree Impact Promotion (TIP) Group
Left; Chairperson (David Rwegoshora); Secretary (Jacob Shagi); Assistant secretary (Denis Ruta) and Group members; ( Atu Alex, Stanley Kabete and Shaban Salim).

Photo: Cashew Nut treet

Pictures showing DRR Coordinator and DED Msalala handing over the COFSF constructed in Bunango Village Council, Bugarama ward, Msalala District

Picture showing Ongoing Construction of Community Owned Food Storage facility at Mwakata Village, Mwakata ward, Msalala District

Picture Showing DDMC Members Discussing DRR Progress during quarterly meeting Held on 28th May, 2019 at Ntobo (Msalala Council).

Pictures showing DRR Coordinator and DED Msalala handing over the COFSF constructed in Bunango Village Council, Bugarama ward, Msalala District

Pictures showing Ongoing Construction of Community Owned Food Storage facility at Mwakata Village, Mwakata ward, Msalala District.

DDMC Members Discussing DRR Progress during quarterly meeting Held on 28th May, 2019 at Ntobo (Msalala Council).